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(Tezhi -) Luzhanqi Rules - Chinese Army Chess

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In total there are 25 units for both sides.

Zieleinheit (1):
1x Jun Qi 军旗 (Flag)

Einheiten mit Rang (19):
  1. 3x Gong Bing 工兵 (Private)
  2. 3x Pai Zhang 排长 (Staff Sergeant)
  3. 3x Lian Zhang 连长 (Captain)
  4. 2x Ying Zhang 营长 (Lieutenant Colonel)
  5. 2x Tuan Zhang 团长 (Colonel)
  6. 2x Lu Zhang 旅长 (Brigadier General)
  7. 2x Shi Zhang 师长 (Major General)
  8. 1x Jun Zhang 军长 (Lieutenant General)
  9. 1x Si Ling 司令 (General)

Spezielle Einheiten (5):
3x Di Lei 地雷 (Mine)
2x Zha Dan 炸弹 (Rocket)

In general, all units can move except the flag and the mine. Mobile units may move over roads only in a field by field fashion but on rails they may move several (blank) fields at a time but not around corners. Depending on the game type (or taste) one may move ordinary soldiers around corners and sometimes even the smallest remaining unit - the players should agree before the game on an alternative!

PDF-Download: Pieces for DIY printing (Rot)
PDF-Download: Pieces for DIY printing (Gruen)
Tip: Print on photographic paper or stick paper on cardboard so that you can not see the hidden colors and ranks.

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